Remember the HSNB in Your Estate Planning
Make a bequest to the Humane Society of the North Bay
GiGi adopted October 2019

Make a bequest to the Humane Society of the North Bay.
Make a bequest to the Humane Society of the North Bay. When you remember the HSNB in your legacy planning, you ensure that you will be remembered for your generosity, and you will be helping innocent animals long after you’re gone.
Here is how you can bequest money to Humane Society of the North Bay;
In Your Will or Trust
Select language to include in your documentation:
- “I give the sum of $ _________ to Humane Society of the North Bay, Tax ID# 94-3041601, located at 1121 Sonoma Blvd, Vallejo, CA 94590.”
- “I give _________ % of my estate to Humane Society of the North Bay, Tax ID# 94-3041601, located at 1121 Sonoma Blvd, Vallejo, CA 94590.”
- “After all gifts and distributions to loved ones and others, I give the remainder to Humane Society of the North Bay, Tax ID# 94-3041601, located at 1121 Sonoma Blvd, Vallejo, CA 94590.”

Our IRA, 401(k) &/or Life Insurance
You can name Humane Society of the North Bay as a beneficiary to your IRA, 401(k) &/or life insurance policy. Check with your financial institution on how to set up your beneficiaries. Some may have forms to fill out and sign, and others may have you log in to your account, and submit changes online.
The Humane Society of the North Bay is a 501(c)3 charitable, nonprofit organization.
Our Tax ID# is 94-3041601.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you for remembering the animals who need your support.
Donate Now
Make your donation today and join our mission to provide shelter and compassionate care for animals in need.